Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cant Walk :(

A week ago from Monday I hurt my foot. I did not think it was bad. So I slept with an ice pack thinking it would feel better in the morning. Well, it didnt. Tuesday it hurt so bad I couldnt walk and had to use Tysons old pair of crutches. So I went to the doctors and got an xray. My doctor said I FRACTURED MY GROWTH PLATE IN MY RIGHT FOOT. So I got stuck with this terribly boot cast...and I am out of gym. It stinks. I really wish this didnt happen. I cant wait for it to heal and Im done with the boot.


  1. What a bummer! I hope it heals quickly for you.

  2. Welcome to the world of broken bones! My kids sympathize with you as Sydney is still in her cast. Sorry about gym though. Hopefully you'll heal quickly and get back to 100% soon!
