Monday, January 11, 2010

10 for 2010

Ten Things I will be looking forward to in 2010

  1. I am going to be 12 on the 15th. 4 days way
  3. Level 6
  4. Baptisms for the Dead
  5. ECLIPSE!!!!!!!!!! Comes out on Brooklyn's Birthday
  6. Junior High
  7. Being 7th graders
  8. Birthdays
  9. Florida
  10. Vacations


  1. Does being 12 mean that you can now babysit for me? I think you owe me a few nights!

  2. Amanda - you are looking so grown up! I can't believe you're going to be 12 this month. It sounds like you have a lot to look forward to this year. You're doing a great job keeping us updated with all of your family's activities. Have a great year! Hope to see you soon!

  3. Very good! I wish we were close by so you could babysit for us! Hope you enjoy YW and Personal Progress.

    I love Brookie's toothless look!
